Thursday, March 5, 2009

You Should Seek Counsel

So here on day two of my first blog, I have hit a stumbling block. I don't know what to write. That last sentence should be said in hushed tones like it's a secret. I'm not proud of it. But the strange thing is that I've been thinking of what to post all day long, and I've come up with some pretty good stuff (I'm telling you, this blogging stuff is addicting). But none of what I've come up with seems appropriate for a second day blog. Hmm...curious.

So who cares?! I'm just going to post something like its not my second day and as if I've been at this for months now.

My college email inbox gets mail quite sporadically. On some days I'll have 8 or 9 new emails while on others I'll get none. Sometime last week I got a burst of mail. Hidden deep in that burst was link to a survey. I don't know how I managed to pick out that little piece of fine print from among the massive sea of text, but I did. And I can't resist a good survey. Or questionnaire. I just can't. Even if it doesn't apply to me.

This particular survey was a test for different disorders and conditions like depression and stress. Just for kicks, I tried out the one for eating disorders. I answered questions like How often do you go without eating (umm... 15 minutes. tops.) and Do you feel guilty after consuming a meal (after that salad I had for lunch?....No....oh, you mean the apple slathered in peanut butter and nutella followed by that bucket of breadsticks and a colossal slice of pizza and a pint of ben & jerry's for dessert?....well yes, I did feel rather guilty after eating that).

So I proceeded to answer these questions like a normal person and submit the page. My results: You have an eating disorder. You should seek counsel with your school's counseling center or other certified specialist.

What? I do not have an eating disorder. I am neither over- nor underweight. I exercise on a semi-regular basis. I eat a balanced diet-lots of veggies, fruit, protein, grains, dairy, and some fat. A girl's gotta have her fat (the world would be a sad place without ice cream). And I have stir-fry everyday! Stir-fry is good for you! Right? Well, assuming that it is, I do pretty well. But I apparently have some eating issues that need to be resolved by a specialist.

I do NOT have an eating disorder people. Believe me. I HAVE to eat. If I didn't, I would starve. Starving is not so high on my to-do list. As a matter of fact, it doesn't even make the top 500 items, and whatever comes after item no. 201 is just unnecessary and shouldn't be taking up space on my precious list. Additionally, I love food. I would never abuse it and give myself an eating disorder. Nuff said.

Oh except one more thing-just kidding about that gigantic meal, I didn't really have the breadsticks ; )


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