Friday, September 11, 2009

Move-In Day

Well, no surprises here. I have lost my chapstick. Again. I am notorious for losing chapstick. Marisa got me Burt's Bees Pomegranate Oil lip balm for my birthday because she is well aware of this fact. I really do try to keep them all over the place (on my desk, by my bed, in each of my purses) so that I always have one with me, but alas, I have managed to misplace one. No worries though, because I am determined to find it. I'll be sure to keep you posted with future developments on the chapstick front.

Today was Move In Day. About half of my residents checked in, so I'll be getting the rest in tomorrow. I was cooped up in my room from 7 this morning to 5 this evening explaining and re-explaining paperwork. It actually got to be kind of fun because I got to chat with them and their parents and they appreciated the interesting questions I put on my survey. I asked them questions like If you could live in any house from any movie, which would you choose? and What are you wearing today that is most representative of who you are? Why? and etc. I think I got a pretty fantastic group of freshmen, but I guess I'll see when the rest of them come in tomorrow.

After filing the paperwork for the day and grabbing dinner with the RA's, we got together to play volleyball, as we have for the past few nights. I really think I could play all night. Though I've never officially been on a sports team (besides t-ball when I was 4), I think beach volleyball is my calling. I have discovered that diving with abandon into the sand is exhilarating. It actually doesn't matter whether or not I touch the ball, as long as I can dive, on my knees, my stomach, my side, it doesn't matter.

Additional note: Magic Bullet Blender doohickeys are pricey. I try and try on eBay and the prices just keep escalating to well beyond my price range.

And these are my thoughts/doings for the day. Please excuse their scattered nature. I am probably sleep deprived, but am too delirious to come to a decision on that point.

Good Night,

Creole Belle

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