Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So Happy

Monday and Tuesday of this week were full. Slammed. Very busy. Etc. You get the picture. There was a speech involved and there were projects to complete and meetings to attend. All went well in case you were wondering. Most exciting however, was the Bible study last night.

One of the RA's (we'll call him Diedeliff) decided he wanted to start a Bible study and was all, "Hey Arielle, when would be a good night for it?" He is new at SCAD and assumed I knew things that he didn't (what with me having been here for a year already) such as when is a good night for people to come. So I was all, "Diedeliff I really don't know." and then he was like, "Big help."

Not really.

Yes, anyway, the first one was last night. We watched a Rob Bell video and discussed it and 3 of my residents came and we all got ice cream and talked for far too long. It was wonderful. I'm sure I said that I had to go back to my room and work numerous times throughout the evening, but didn't actually leave until almost midnight. Only getting 5 hours of sleep was worth it to able to stay and talk though.

I love those times when it's absolutely clear that God knows exactly what He's doing. I love realizing that I'm right where God wants me to be. I love that God is doing things far beyond what I could imagine and is allowing me to be a part of it.

I love where I am.


1 comment:

LulingBelle said...

I love those times too! They are not always apparent at the time, but later, oh yeah! Ahhhhh. . . to be in His will.