Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Girl in a Hardware Store

So it's the beginning of Week 2 and I feel that I have a slightly better handle on all my stuff than I did last week. Still, the next 5 weeks are going to be jam packed, but I can make it through each week as long as I know me and Thea will be making dinner and watching a movie on Friday night and not even thinking about homework.

Yesterday, Ana and I went to Home Depot because she needed to purchase supplies for a project. We walked in and headed left toward the paint department. Only the paint department wasn't there. Everyone knows that Home Depot has paint at the front of the store, in the center. Not this one. So we look at each other for a bit, totally lost because this Home Depot has decided to rearrange itself. I open my mouth to speak and Ana speaks first, saying exactly what I was thinking (we've been doing that a lot lately, it's quite the phenomenon).

Ana: We CANNOT look like girls in a hardware store. Right now, we look like girls in a hardware store."

Me: Right, so we should just keep walking with a purpose like we look like we know what we're doing.

We both set off, but in different directions. Not a good start. I ran to catch up with Ana who started off down one of the aisles. We began pointing out things that we passes to further the illusion that we knew what we were talking about. We still didn't know where we were going, but we eventually found the paint in the back corner of the store. We found all the other stuff too--with help from a very kind gentleman in an orange apron. I chit chatted with my mama on the phone about vitamin E while Ana picked out mirror and glue and sandpaper. Walking to the register, I shared with Ana what my mother said about Vitamin E because we had both been wondering. "Topically, it helps to moisturize skin. Ingested, it is processed by your liver, but it also promotes good estrogen levels which, in turn, promotes good skin."

It was then that we realized no matter how hard we tried not to look like girls in a hardware store, we had utterly failed. I had been clacking up and down the aisles in my rather feminine boots chatting about vitamins and estrogen, and Ana had been wandering from aisle to aisle with a slightly confused look on her face, adding commentary to my findings on Vitamin E.

On a completely different note, I walked to class that evening because it wasn't too cold outside, Savannah is lovely in the late afternoon, and it's only a 15-minute walk. Afterward, I wanted to walk back but was absolutely forbidden to do so. Ana and Thea fussed at me when they found out I walked home in the dark by myself last week. BUT-I had good reason:

1. The shuttle was late and I had a meeting to get to.
2. I only walked along well-traveled streets with plenty of people and cars.
3. I like walking at night all bundled up in my coat, scarf, hat, and gloves.
4. It wasn't really late at night, it was only dark because the sun sets at 5:30.
5. I would get back faster by walking than by taking the shuttle because it makes other stops after mine.

I did NOT walk back by myself in the dark last night, but you better believe I was some cranky about it. I waited for the shuttle in the cold. It was 20 minutes late.

Also, I lost one of my earrings, so the day did not end on the most positive note. But I did pick out some lovely paint swatches at Home Depot for my new room with names like Sonata and Velvet Sky, so I suppose all was not bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have VERY good friends who give you WISE and sage advice. Cherish them.