Monday, January 4, 2010

Hit the Ground Running

I'm back in Savannah and, my is it cold. I flew in on New Year's Eve and spent the evening with Ana, Diedeliff, and Kyle. We went to 5 Guys for dinner and then walked around City Market a bit looking for a shimmering peach that was supposed to drop at midnight. We never found it as there were SO MANY people in the way. And we missed the ball drop on TV too because, even though we were back in the room unpacking with the TV on, Ana was telling a story of her and a blizzard. It wasn't until 2 minutes later when Kyle realized it was the new year. We celebrated with freeze pops because the 2 of-age people in our group (ahem...Kyle and Diedeliff) refused to go buy us some bubbly. Rude.

New Year's Day was spent doing RA-ey things, and Thea moved back on Saturday! We went to Starbucks then LateCHURCH on Sunday morning, as per our previous routine, and spent the day grocery shopping, talking, flipping through magazines, talking, watching a movie, giggling, talking, et cetera and so on and so forth. It was lovely.

It was hard to accept that school began on Monday, but begin it did, whether or not I was ready for it (I wasn't). I made a very large weekly calender thingie where I wrote down everything happening this week. It very deceivingly made it look like I had lots of free time. And now I must further amend the calendar to add in 10 or 11 or 17 new events and deadlines approaching awfully soon. This RA and school business is really cutting into my life. I am here to have a good time and to socialize, and as the week fills up, it keeps squeezing all that fun stuff out. Rude.

But seriously, I did very much enjoy my Typography class this evening and, while my Drawing II class still causes me to hyperventilate a little every time I think of it, I think it'll be okay. As long as Ana and I can get a cheeseburger and milkshake for lunch afterward, I will be just fine.

1 comment:

LulingBelle said...

Ha ha ha ha ha. . . That was an amusing read.